Official Launch!

RePlay Health saw its official launch last month at the Society for General Internal Medicine’s annual meeting!  Our team ran a workshop for over thirty health professionals in Denver, including representatives from MGH, Cambridge Health Alliance, VA Centers for Excellence, Mount Sinai Hospital, and UCSF.  The participants had a great time–they were split into two […]

RePlay Health Goes to Austria

Fellows attending the Salzburg Global Seminar Realizing the Right to Health: How can a rights-based approach best contribute to the strengthening, sustainability and equity of access to medicines and health systems? in Salzburg, Austria sampled RePlay Health. Participants representing over twenty countries learned about Tiltfactor lab’s design philosophies, and then played RePlay Health like professionals, […]

RePlay Health at TDC!

The Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science rocked the RePlay Health game, achieving an average player score of 7.0 in only three rounds. While this put them second on the high score list, there’s no doubt if they had played a full five rounds, they would have beaten Dartmouth Undergrads and reached first place! […]
